Another Broken Oreo
—The Broken Oreo Philosophy—
I’ve been slacking lately on my blog posts. I’ve been super busy getting married and, wait for it…
Our new family photo.
So I think that my absence is acceptable.
The Story:
Dallas was our special needs foster. From the get go, we were adamant that we were NOT going to be adopting Dallas. We already had three dogs and didn’t feel like we could handle the extra responsibility of such a high needs animal. We truly wanted to find him a loving home that could provide him everything he needed and all the love he deserved. We knew that finding him a perfect home could be difficult and possibly take a few months. A few months came and went, and Dallas was still not medically ready. We felt ourselves growing attached and felt the love growing in our hearts, still we were determined to find him a perfect home.
Quick nap with his foster momma.
Then, after about four months, he finally seemed like he was just about there; it was nearly time to begin looking for his forever family. It was time for me to report on his behavior, character, good and bad attributes, and what a perfect home would consist of. I started writing up his bio that would be posted along side some adorable photo of him on all the adoption platforms. I started off great. I ended in tears.
Here’s what I wrote:
He even had professional pictures taken to help him get adopted! Photo by Stacy Johnson Photography
“My name is Dallas. I am missing one leg, my tail, and one toe; but what I’m missing in extremities, I make up for in heart! I am just under one year old. I don’t really know my birthday because I was found with my sister in Texas, paralyzed and uncared for. Since coming to Florida in April, I have had surgeries to get rid of my body parts that weren’t working and I feel like a million bucks! I will need extra help and physical therapy to learn how to walk on my remaining back leg, but I’m getting better and stronger every day! Here’s what my foster momma wants everyone to know about me.
The time has come. Since the day Dallas came to us we knew that our purpose in his journey was to do the difficult part so that when someone decided to make him a part of their family, they could devote all their energy into loving him and not to the less glamorous moments. Caring for him through two surgeries, spending endless hours researching diapering methods, cleaning up poop and pee from nearly every surface of our home, was less than glamorous and incredibly stressful. But despite it all we came to love him beyond words. Our decision not to adopt him was a difficult one. He is at a point now where his care is streamlined and routine. Only rarely do we have a poo or pee accident in the house. He is done with all foreseeable surgeries, almost off all medication, and the focus is now only on helping him learn to walk on all three legs!
Because he is a special case, Dallas will need a very special home. He is a member of the Husky Haven of Florida Handicapables would like to remain part of the group. The ideal home for Dallas would be in the Orlando area, preferably a home with a pool because his hydrotherapy sessions are the best way we have found for him to exercise! He does take extra time and money. A home where his diaper can be changed and he can be expressed (urine and fecal) 3-5 times a day is a must. He will also require a little extra time dedicated to physical therapy, acupuncture, and cold laser treatments. He loves other huskies! Though he can’t run around very well, he does tumble and grumble just as rough and loudly as any other husky. A home with one other husky or playful dog would be perfect! When he uses up his bursts of energy, Dallas is actually a very relaxed and easy going husky, content to chew on bones and snuggle most of the day. He is growing quickly and does need picked up and carried often, so a person who can lift up to 60 pounds is important.
Dallas is loving, gentle, and full of joy. He is very patient during his normal care. He lays patiently while being expressed, getting his diaper changed, and while getting bathed and brushed. He loves nothing more than cuddling with his favorite person. He also loves going on walks in his wheelchair.
-walks well on a leash (in wheelchair)
-Not a destructive chewer as long as he has bones, bully sticks, toys
-Good with children
-very vocal
-Good with other dogs
-Good with cats
-Kennel trained
-No fear of lawn mower, fireworks, or thunderstorms
-Likes being brushed and bathed
-Has a sensitive stomach
- Is trained to stay in his bed all night
Adopting Dallas is a big decision and time commitment; however, being a part of this little guy’s life is beyond rewarding. He will love you with all his heart. He will get the most adorable wiggles when you walk in the door and greet him. He will steal you heart with his picture perfect head tilt. He will melt your soul when you pull him onto the couch and he happily falls asleep as your little spoon. He will bring tears to your eyes when you watch him do his bouncy happy run. Watching him hit milestones will fill you with immense joy and pride. Taking care of a dog with disabilities is not easy, but is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.
Please ask us any and all questions about Dallas!!
A note for whoever adopts Dallas: We (his foster parents) would like to offer free boarding and care for whenever you need a break or go on vacation. He is always welcome in our home!”
You see the problem here? I was raving about him, I was carrying on and on about how much I loved him and how perfect he was/is. Then, when I described his ideal home, I perfectly described none other than my own home. To quote that one country song by that one country singer (they’re all the same, who cares.), “What was I thinkin’?” Though our decision to let him be adopted was wavering, we still thought we could go through with it. But alas, the universe decided to give one final nudge towards the inevitable.
Shortly after writing up his adoption bio, we found out that he had bladder abnormalities and only one kidney. Shortly after that, we found out his other back leg needed amputated. We knew we would be assisting him through another few surgeries for a couple more months. During this time, we started catching ourselves calling ourselves his mommy and daddy. He became a full on velcro dog to me, his momma. He began following me from room to room, never letting me out of his sight. A sign that, to me, shows true loyalty and love.
There was no way we could watch him go live his life with any one else. We loved him. He loved us and his fur-siblings. Although we will have more of a time commitment and responsibility with him in our lives; our life, home, and schedule is perfectly set up to care for him. Thank you to every one that expressed their joy in the happy news! Sorry to those who were hopeful you could adopt him when the time came, but please know he is happy and loved and home.
We officially announced his adoption on November 2, 2019. Here’s to a happily ever after.